The Inn (Evenstad Media Presents Book 3) Read online

  Evenstad Media Presents



  This book is a work of fiction. Names, characters, places, and incidents are either products of the author's imagination or used fictitiously. Any resemblance to actual events, locales, or persons is entirely coincidental or beyond the intent of the author.

  The Park © Voss Foster 2016

  Cover art © Dar Albert 2016

  All rights reserved. Except for use in any review, the reproduction or utilization of this work in whole or in part in any form by any electronic, mechanical, or other means, now known or hereafter invented, is forbidden without the written permission of the author.

  Requests to use the material will be considered and may be directed to:

  Voss Foster at: [email protected]

  For Manda, who read Shakespeare to her kid brother.

















  TO: Niels Evenstad

  FROM: Magnus Evenstad

  SUBJECT: Addressing Complaints – Season Three

  SENT 10/03/2075 AT 5:16 p.m. EST


  As I’m sure you’ve already seen, there have been a number of complaints coming from your viewers since the conclusion of The Mall. While I deemed most of them ridiculous or untenable—a surprising number of people requested that the ‘actors’ be brought back from season one—I took it upon myself to resolve a few of the more concerning issues. I’ve made your production team aware of the viewers crying misandry, since a woman has won both seasons. It’s totally unfounded, I’m sure, but still something to be aware of going forward. It would be a shame to lose viewership over something so simple to control.

  I’ve also made some suggestions that the contestants be armed next season. Far too many viewers complained about the lack of any sort of personal defenses last season. I understand the direction you wanted to take it, focusing more heavily on the survival aspect and the psychology to try and appeal to a wider audience. I think it needs a more refined touch than you gave it, however, and I’d like to think my experience gives me that level of refinement. After all, this is a business of pleasing the audience, and the audience has very much made it clear that they enjoy the violence.

  I wanted to update you so that you were still in the loop. I will help you in any way possible while you’re dealing with your disorder. No reason to add more stress on top of everything else, of course.

  Stay well, Niels.

  Magnus Evenstad,

  Chief Executive Officer, Evenstad Enterprises


  TO: Magnus Evenstad

  FROM: Niels Evenstad

  SUBJECT: Addressing Complaints – Season Three

  SENT 10/04/2075 AT 8:08 a.m. EST

  I appreciate your concern for my well-being, Uncle Magnus, but I was aware of these issues already and had put measures in place to deal with them. While I might not have your same amount of experience, I’d like to think that I’ve learned enough in the last fifteen years to handle situations such as these, no matter the state of my health. I would appreciate the chance to try and adjust for these issues myself. I’d already decided to outfit the contestants with some minimal armaments, and several members of my team are working on handling the claims that the show is favoring women. Unfounded, as you say, but I recognized the danger.

  Thank you for your well-wishes,

  Niels Evenstad,

  Chief Operating Officer, Evenstad Media


  TO: Niels Evenstad

  FROM: Magnus Evenstad

  SUBJECT: Addressing Complaints – Season Three

  SENT 10/04/2075 AT 8:41 a.m. EST

  I respect your right to your decisions, of course. After all, I selected you personally to head up Evenstad Media. If you feel I’ve overstepped my bounds, you’re free to tell me. I only wished to make the next season a greater success for this company. Just as you were hoping to make the best choice for your company by bringing in someone new to replace you, when the time comes. We both know how well that turned out, obviously. I think we can both agree that it was a mistake, and one I’m doubtful you’ll make again. I blame your illness clouding your judgment. But that does concern me. While I trust you, I intend to take a stronger interest in Evenstad Media until we can all be certain a lapse in reasoning won’t happen again. After all, your last one led to several successful attempts to hack your computer systems.

  Stay well, Niels, and know that I’m here for you when you need me.

  Magnus Evenstad,

  Chief Executive Officer, Evenstad Enterprises

  Sir or Madam,

  You are receiving this letter because you have been selected by Evenstad Media to fill one of twelve exclusive roles in season three of our new reality show, The Inn, sequel to The Park and the Mall. You have already been collected, your information processed, and delivered to the set. Please do not attempt to leave the arena without explicit permission.

  Your goal during your engagement at The Inn is simple: survive. There is no time limit. Furnishings have been provided, and sustainable rations will be made available every eight hours through automated systems located through the arena. The rations will remain available for fifteen minutes before the system shuts down again.

  On your person, you will find a small pack. It contains the following: 1 ThermobladeTM, 6 flash grenades, 1 lighter, and 1 TriplicateTM Non-Lethal Firearm. These tools have been provided to aid in your continued survival and success. If damaged, used, or otherwise incapacitated, there are no replacements available.

  Also included in this pack is a tablet and detachable keyboard for you to keep a journal. While this is not required by the rules of The Inn, it is recommended. Extended periods of time spent in the arena may cause psychological trauma. Our experts believe that writing a journal may help to keep the mind sharp and stave off the possible ill effects of your stay.

  Various spaces of the arena are outfitted with hazards that will activate on a random schedule and last for sixty seconds. While none of these hazards are, on their own, lethal, they may cause injury that could hinder or incapacitate you during further game play. An alarm will sound fifteen seconds before a space becomes hazardous as a warning.

  The arena will be monitored fully at all times in order to capture the true essence of game play for the viewers. Further details of recording and broadcast were explained in your release clauses.

  No criminal charges shall be filed against any action(s) performed during the duration of your participation in The Inn. All city, county, state, federal, and/or international laws are to be considered suspended during your time here.

  The arena will remain closed until only a single player remains alive. The winner will receive twenty million (20,000,000) dollars (USD). The families of the losers will be provided for.

  No other information will be provided, so as to protect the integrity of game play.

  We wish you the best of luck,

  Evenstad Media


  ENTRY 001

  DATE: 1/1/2076

  My biggest fears come true. I’ve had nightmares about this, waking up in this hellhole of a game show that’s been polluting my
airwaves for the past two years. I’m not alone in those fears. I interviewed people, looked online. There are entire new forums that started to deal with the fear of being randomly selected.

  Should have figured that talking about things like that would get me in trouble. The Cruise is owned by Evenstad Enterprises. I wouldn’t be surprised in the slightest if they “randomly” selected me to get rid of a troublesome employee. Would have been easier to fire me, I think, but it certainly sends a message about just what happens to Evenstad’s enemies.

  I haven’t moved from where I woke up. It looks like I was the first one awake. We’re all still here, at any rate. Looks like a hotel lobby. A small one, but it has the distinctive feel of mass-produced faux elegance. I sat up and looked around a bit, tried to get the lay of things. Six women and six men, counting myself. They’ve all got a letter stuck to their chests, same way I did. I can only assume they have the pack with all the same tools. Mine matched the list, so at least Evenstad didn’t try to cheat me out of anything.

  Another guy just woke up. He sat straight up and looked at me, then he scanned around. I wanted to trust him, of course. I always want to trust people. He didn’t seem threatening. Of course, that probably means nothing in here. I slipped the knife out of the pack just to be safe. I flicked a little switch on the handle and the blade got red hot. Honestly doesn’t seem that effective. It would close up any cuts it made. But I guess they don’t want it to be too easy for any of us.

  And I hate that I have to think like that in here.

  That guy looked over at one of the women. I’ve been a journalist for a lot of years, seen a lot of tragedy, but I’ve never seen someone’s face go that white that fast. He crawled over to her on his hands and knees and just touched her. It was like he couldn’t even see anything else. I guarantee you he knows her.

  It didn’t seem right watching that. It felt so intimate. I didn’t dare lay back down, just in case. No point purposely being off my guard. So I figured I should start this journal while I watch. I want to keep the record as up to date as I can, too. I doubt I’ll win, and I doubt I’ll get to keep the journals if I do win, but think of the exposé this could turn into on the off chance everything actually falls in my favor. Even if I can’t get direct access to the things I wrote, maintaining a record will help me remember everything when and if I make it out.

  Then Evenstad will see what kind of threat I can really be to them.



  ENTRY 001

  DATE: 1/1/2076

  I’m finally calmed down. My baby brother was there to help me out. I tell you what, that didn’t exactly help me stop panicking. Not once we figured out where exactly it was we’d gotten stuck together. I don’t want to be here, but I definitely don’t want my family stuck here.

  Now we’re big TV stars. The idea came up once or twice when we were kids. Who doesn’t think about being a celebrity growing up, at least once or twice? This wasn’t the way either of us wanted that particular dream to come true. Locked up in this place with a bunch of folks, trying to murder each other? We might be from Texas, but that don’t mean either of us is looking forward to pulling the trigger on anyone else. Or stabbing them, I guess. That letter told us that the gun was useless, pretty much. Non-lethal. Weirdest damn gun I’ve ever seen, too. Three barrels, three magazines. Guess that’s the triplicate part of it.

  It wasn’t exactly a hard decision for me and Max to run off together and try to get to safety. There was only one other guy awake. Nice-looking enough, probably about seventy, though I’ve always been shit at guessing ages. Max asked him to come along with us, too. Fed him some cock and bull about getting a ‘good vibe’ from the guy. Told me it was just to keep an eye on him. He was awake before Max, but no telling how long. Which meant no telling how much information he got his hands on. I wasn’t particularly thrilled to have a tagalong, but the logic was there, I guess.

  Now we’re holed up in one of the rooms. It’s a hotel. We’re supposed to kill each other in a damn hotel. It’s nice enough. Two beds. One of us to keep watch when the other two are asleep, then one of us goes out to get one of the little tasteless food cakes. I don’t know. I guess having our little friend along might end up being a good thing. Unless he murders us in our sleep.

  I’m just hoping Max knows what he’s doing. He’s never led too much astray, but even a little bit off the right path could end bad in this place.



  ENTRY 001

  DATE: 1/1/2076

  This is one of those days when my opinion just flips straight around. First thought when I woke up? Where am I? Terror. Nerves. Sick feeling in my stomach. Next thought? Figure this out. A quick look around told me that it was a hotel. Or it looked like one, anyway. I know what this show turns nice, normal places into.

  I liked the first two seasons. A good romp. Did it make me a little uncomfortable to think there was that kind of violence on TV? Of course it did. But who in their right mind would ever think that anything happening on there was real? I don’t know, maybe it isn’t. Could it just be an elaborate ruse, even now? I suppose it’s technically possible. I do know that I don’t remember signing any contract or release paperwork for any of this, but now I’m here. And I either got knocked out or they took me out of my bed without waking me up. I know the second option isn’t really likely, but neither one is all that pleasant.

  Next thing I did? Look around. It looked like all twelve of us were laid out in a circle. Twelve little dashes on a clock, but three of the little dashes were missing. The one to my right and two from the half opposite me. Last season, the early risers did pretty damn well in this game. Prime spots, not so much competition to deal with when they’re trying to hide.

  Is fourth to get going early enough? I don’t know. I hope so. Next thought? Check my pack. It had everything the letter told me it would. I almost threw the knife out. It was the only thing on the list that was lethal. The mechanics at the bus garage had a few in their tools. They were sharp, and the blades get red hot.

  But did I really want someone else to get their hands on a second one? Nope. So I just vowed I wouldn’t use it. I’m not a killer, and I don’t intend for that to change.

  I saw a kid. Maybe eighteen or nineteen. She looks like one of the girls who was on my route for years. I watched her grow up since I took her to kindergarten that first day. It was jarring. I almost thought it was the same girl, but there are little differences. Doesn’t matter. Someone that young doesn’t belong here. I always rooted for the kids watching The Park and The Mall. Did I want them to turn into killers? Well of course not. But I’d have taken it if they survived.

  Unfortunately, the track record wasn’t good. Next thing? I had to get that girl somewhere else. She didn’t weigh hardly a thing, so it was easy to haul her around. There’s no safety, but at least I know that I’m not planning on killing her. I can’t say as much for any of the others I left in the lobby.


  The Inn – List of Contestants in Evenstad Media’s Newest Reality Show Stirs up Controversy

  Posted 1/3/2076 at 11:24 a.m. EST

  This morning, Evenstad Media released a full list of the contestants for The Inn, the next season of their hit reality show. The full list is available on their website, but one particular contestant is causing an uproar across the internet.

  Terrence Jacobs, sixty-seven, works as a journalist for The Cruise, a newspaper owned by Evenstad Enterprises. Including one of their own employees in the roster shocked many. The shock was clear from the wave of responses that swept the internet when the news went live.

  Opinions vary, of course. This is the internet we’re talking about, after all. Many of the show’s fans believe that this simply proves the selection of contestants is completely random. However, a number of the show’s critics believe that it proves precisely the opposite.

  Terrence Jacobs is known in several circ
les as a very vocal opponent of Evenstad Media’s show. The choice to include him, at his age, is seen by many as a way to eliminate a potential problem employee. Although older players have done fairly well in the past (Manfred Klein, in his eighties, made it to fourth place in The Park.), if that was their intent, the plan reads very sound.

  What do I think? I wouldn’t be surprised if the detractors were right. Not in the least. We’ve seen by the very nature of these shows that Evenstad Enterprises is willing to go to great lengths to further their business. It wouldn’t surprise me, but that doesn’t mean I think that’s what happened. Not at all. I’m not one to buy into conspiracy theories, and this is a hell of a theory that’s going around. But you make your own decisions. Look at the data that’s out there, watch what continues to come out, and figure out what you think.

  Peace out, chickadees,



  ENTRY 001

  DATE: 1/1/2076

  Sometimes dreams can come true, it turns out. Ever since I saw The Park, I’ve been waiting for my chance to take a crack at this show. When it started, I was too young to participate. Only by a damn year, but that’s the way it works. As soon as I turned eighteen, I hoped. A lot. If I was the kind of person who prayed, I probably would have tried that a few times, too. Maybe I did. You’ll never get me to admit it, though. I even emailed Evenstad Media, trying to find if there was any way I could try to get on the list, or just get on their radar, at least. Always got a stock reply back from them, talking about how contestants were randomly chosen by a computer program.