The Inn (Evenstad Media Presents Book 3) Read online

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  What does this mean for his time on The Inn? Well, no one can say for certain until the show actually airs, but I’m going to go out on a limb and assume some things. As always, I want you to look at the evidence and come to your own conclusions, but I’m going to guess that the other contestants could be in trouble. It seems to me, from that list of criminal charges, that Mr. North isn’t entirely stable. Those are serious crimes. Manipulative, violent, and not necessarily the sort of person who seems to care about others very much. I’ve never met him, so this is all conjecture, and you know I’m not one who will normally make sweeping statements. Not in public, anyway.

  All I can say is that, if I was one of the contestants and I had this information, I would be a little wary of the local celebrity.

  Peace out, chickadees,



  ENTRY 002

  DATE: 1/6/2015

  Well, this is some bullshit. I was expecting something exciting. That’s what I’ve been waiting for, after all. But damn, this is just fucking slow. I was thinking there would be some sort of action, some people looking to get the money and better their fucking lives. Twenty million could improve life for just about everyone in here, I’d bet. It would be a damn sight better than then twelve-hundred bucks they give me for shooting a scene. Yeah, I know it’s good for porn, whatever. It’s barely enough to live on in California. And I’d like to start developing expensive tastes.

  Twenty million could be decent. Probably wouldn’t retire. No point in that. I like the work I do. Get laid on a regular basis and still get legal money. No point stopping if I don’t have to.

  Unfortunately, I probably can’t make it through this whole thing alone. I certainly wish I could, but I don’t think I have the skill or the fortitude that takes. Not unless the skill required is sex. No, having someone alongside me would be a damn good idea. But I’m not going to drag around dead weight with me just because someone might end up being useful. There’s no fucking way that could turn out well. I’ll wait until I run across someone worth spending time with, and then I’ll get in with them.

  After all, the fame I do have should give me some pull, right?



  ENTRY 004

  DATE: 1/6/2076

  Shelley is dead, and that’s something that I have to deal with. Am I ever going to forget what it looked like, her getting crushed by that door? Of course not. I can’t, and I definitely tried. But it’s still in there. Does she deserve to be forgotten that way? No. Nobody does. Everyone deserves to be known and deserves to have their memory honored after their deaths. Especially in a place like this, I imagine. But for my own well-being and survival, isn’t it best for me to try and forget her? I think so. It’s just not possible.

  I don’t know where I’m going to go, but I know I need to find somewhere else to be, somewhere hopefully safe. Or at least as safe as I can ever get around here. Is it worth it? I don’t know. I don’t even know if I can find a place I could even consider safe in this hotel. The rooms obviously aren’t safe, but neither is staying out in the open, I’m sure. Not where people can see me. I at least need to get as far from Shelley’s body as possible.

  I need to do something before things pick up in here. If they get into this game and start attacking and killing, I’ll be an easy target. I don’t think I’ll be able to get to that point for myself. Am I wrong? It’s possible. I’ve never been pushed to these extremes, so I can’t say with any certainty. Maybe I’ll snap and start killing. Maybe I’ll actually be able to defend myself if it come to it.

  Could I really expect to kill someone myself? I’m not sure if I could expect it, but I definitely don’t. So for now, I’m staying in this room and hoping that the alarm doesn’t go off. If it does? I guess I’m finding a new room.



  ENTRY 003

  DATE: 1/6/2076

  Well, this is just dull as crap. It’s been, what, a week? I haven’t seen anyone come through this damn lobby, and I’m starting to get bored. I don’t know how much longer I can just sit and wait. I shouldn’t be complaining, I guess. I’m safe here, and I’m surviving, and I’m headed toward twenty-million dollars. That’s the only thing that’s even managed to keep me behind the desk this long. Every day I don’t see anyone is theoretically one day closer to me winning my fortune. But if they’re all just sitting there, as fine and alive as I am, it’s just dragging shit out longer without getting a God damn thing accomplished.

  I don’t know what I should do. I’m getting pretty fucking antsy, I’ll tell you that much. As though there’s actually somebody out there in the big wide world reading this bullshit. Maybe the TV producers. They probably want to keep tabs on us. Probably the real reason they want us to keep the fucking journals in the first place. Like they really care about our psychological health. I bet that would be good for the audience to watch. That whole descent into madness angle probably gets a good viewer response, right?

  I sincerely hope that someone comes down here soon, otherwise I’m really going to end up doing something I might regret. I don’t know what kind of people are in here with me. I don’t know what they might be capable of. Maybe there’s a bunch of ex-convicts out on a technicality. You know, people I should actually be afraid of. I doubt it, but I don’t doubt it enough that I’m quite ready to go out and go hunting for them. But pretty soon, I’ll have to. Otherwise, I think I definitely will start to go nuts, and I just can’t afford to lose my head in this place. Not with so much damn money at stake.


  TO: Niels Evenstad

  FROM: Frederick Evenstad

  SUBJECT: Emails

  SENT 1/2/2076 AT 1:22 p.m. EST


  I’m sure by now you’ve gotten more than your fair share of messages coming in about the email that went out. We’re beginning to get them as well. People are very unhappy with the way things are going, and I can’t help but feel responsible for this. My people somehow weren’t able to find the extent of the breach, and now there’s no plan in place. I wish I hadn’t put you in this situation, Brother. People are angry, and there’s no way to write it off as ridiculous. Their email addresses are out there with people who are more than capable of hacking into their home computers. If there’s anything you need me to do in order to help, let me know. I intend to make up for this mistake the best I can. So far, my techs haven’t had much luck. But if they can find the IP address that the email originated from, we can get a much clearer idea of how to proceed. It’s hopefully just a matter of time.

  I hope this doesn’t impact your viewing numbers negatively. I realize this is a bad time for something like this to happen, and I would guess that the people behind the email are well aware of that.

  I hope you are well and staying rested. And I had a lovely time at Christmas. It’s been too long since I’ve seen the kids that happy.

  Frederick Evenstad,

  Chief Operating Officer, Evenstad Technologies


  TO: Frederick Evenstad

  FROM: Niels Evenstad

  SUBJECT: Emails

  SENT 1/2/2076 AT 3:09 p.m. EST


  I thank you for your concern, but I don’t believe that this is going to be anything more than a brief bit of turbulence. I wish it hadn’t happened. I value my customers greatly, and I don’t want them upset. They keep this family working, and they’ll continue to do so long after I’m dead. That’s the hope, at any rate. However, large businesses are often the victims of these sorts of attacks, and they recover for the most part. And with your team working on finding the culprits, I don’t have any doubt that this whole matter will be resolved.

  In the meantime, I’m simply going to be focusing my attentions on The Inn. I have Uncle Magnus here helping
in case he sees me make any mistakes in my current state. Joy of joys that is. Perhaps someone can convince him to let me run things my own way. Doubtful. The man is stubborn as all hell.

  At any rate, I do appreciate your efforts, and the efforts of your people. I’ll be more than willing to supplement their pay, as the project is technically for my company. Let me know what you would deem appropriate for their work and we can figure it out from there. And give the children my love. I didn’t realize how old they’d gotten.

  Niels Evenstad,

  Chief Operating Officer, Evenstad Media


  ENTRY 004

  DATE: 1/7/2076

  A week in, and I’ve realized that I’m going to have to do things I don’t want to do. I mean, this whole thing is something I don’t want to do, but things I don’t want to do on top of this whole shitty situation. Mainly, I’m going to have to stop with the self-pity and the worry. I know that things are going to suck pretty majorly for me. I get that. I’m going to be going through one of the worst times in my life pretty soon. Even worse than getting kidnapped and put in this place to begin with.

  I didn’t let myself get defined by my hormones before, and I’m not this time, either. I’m still Billie Samuels, and like hell I’m going to let any amount of difficulty change that. I mean, the whole world is practically going to be watching this. How do I want them to see me? A trans stereotype, concerned about nothing but her trans issues, or as an actual person? The world needs this. We’ve come so far. More and more notable trans names in the media every year. I don’t want to be memorable for the wrong reasons, and I sure as hell don’t want to be the one to set the community back.

  If you’d told me before this that I would ever be trying to set myself up as a role model or a figurehead or whatever the right word for this is, I would have laughed and probably never talked to you again. It’s so far removed from my life experience, I never even bothered to think about it. When would it have come up? I was in phone sales for ten years and about to go back to school at forty-five.

  But I’ve been put in this position. Against my will, without the people I love, but put in this position all the same. I don’t want to let myself down, or my circle back home, and I don’t want to be an embarrassment to the trans community. The way I’ve been acting isn’t helping break stereotypes, but that ends today.

  I hope. God, I hope. I’m hoping that I can put up a good front by spilling everything I worry about into this journal. I’m hoping that I do this whole thing right and don’t just snap from the stress. I’m hoping that, if I get killed, it will maybe actually mean something. I don’t know where all this hoping is going to lead me, and I don’t know if anything is really going to work out the way I have it planned. I really, really don’t. But until things actually do go wrong, if they go wrong, I’m sticking to this plan.



  ENTRY 003

  DATE: 1/7/2076

  I’m finding it difficult to focus on much of anything, right now. I’m letting fear dig down under my skin, and I know better than that. I’ve been in bad situations before. You don’t live to be my age without getting into your fair share of troubles. At least your fair share. I don’t know what the average is, but I’d imagine that I’ve seen a handful more than might be considered normal. This stint in the hotel isn’t the only thing, not at all.

  I’m going a little stir crazy in here, though. I think that’s the worst of it, really. If I could just get out of this damn hotel room and stretch my legs, get some fresh air. It’s getting stuffy. I’d never say this aloud, but I’m almost hoping that the alarm goes off in here and we don’t have any choice but to leave. I’m not hoping for that, mind you, but I do find myself creeping dangerously close to the line of good reason on that particular issue.

  I could just slip out, but we’ve got things working well between the three of us. And frankly, I like Max and Joy. They seem like good, solid people I want to be around. Hard to find that in a bad situation, even once. Twice is all but unheard of. It could still turn out they’re not who I thought they were, and that would have its own set of problems, but they don’t outweigh the positives I’m getting from staying in here and staying safe.

  Still, I know it’s these four walls that are making me nuts, just the same as they’re offering me some modicum of protection. Eventually, it won’t be worth it for me to stick around in here, and then I’ll have to risk getting shot or stabbed or whatever else. I’m well aware that the whole thing is nothing but a waiting game, and I have to give it to Evenstad for designing this. There’s a genius about the whole thing. Just let people do what they want and see how it pans out. If I could stomach watching this damn show, and I wasn’t locked up in here playing for the world’s amusement, I could probably even appreciate it.

  But that’s just not the way the world is going for me today.



  ENTRY 003

  DATE: 1/7/2076

  Hello again, stranger. I know you’re probably not real, and I know you probably wouldn’t look anything like I’ve imagined if you were. I know in my rational brain that it’s really just plain unlikely that anyone else will ever even touch this tablet besides me and whoever comes along to take care of my body after this is all over.

  Wow, too revealing, I guess. But how can I expect to make it out? I’m not exactly worldly or experienced or anything like that. I’m sure if they were giving odds, I’d be a million to one shot. I don’t know if that’s a bad thing. I mean, you watched, right? I’ve got to work on the assumption that you’re real if I don’t want to go nuts. At least I might feel a little less alone. God knows I can’t go through this relying on any of them. I have to work on the assumption that they’re all my enemy.

  Sorry. Sidetracked. I was going to say, you have your own opinions on me from watching this thing. Keep in mind this is just one week in, but what did you think of me, compared to the rest? You can think it. It’s not like I’ll ever hear or find out, so you won’t insult me. But did you think I had a chance? And should I like that I had a chance, if I did?

  I don’t know why I’m bothering. This is all stupid. But it’s nice pretending that I’m talking to you. Talking to someone, at least. I hope you have as nice of a face as I’ve imagined.

  Of course you do. You’re not real, after all.


  TO: Niels Evenstad

  FROM: Magnus Evenstad

  SUBJECT: Pacing – The Inn

  SENT 1/7/2076 AT 12:06 p.m. EST

  I’ve noticed what could be quite a serious issue with pacing so far. We are at the beginning of this season, and it would do well to end the first episode with some excitement. You have the tools at your disposal to achieve that. The death scene you have is nice. It’s poignant, but it does come too soon, I believe, and your show stands a much better chance of success if you can end with death, as well. It worked during your first season.

  I’m certain something will be done to ensure that things are done correctly. I have faith in you, as I have for some time. Otherwise you wouldn’t be in this position to begin with. Of course, you should feel free to delegate as needed. Nothing I need to tell you, but a gentle reminder is never a bad thing, I feel.

  Magnus Evenstad,

  Chief Executive Officer, Evenstad Enterprises


  TO: Magnus Evenstad

  FROM: Niels Evenstad

  SUBJECT: Pacing – The Inn

  SENT 1/7/2076 AT 12:13 p.m. EST

  Uncle Magnus,

  I am aware of this, and the pieces are already in place to handle this situation. You will not be disappointed, I’m certain. Things should work out just fine. Your faith in my skills will not prove misplaced.

  Niels Evenstad,

  Chief Operating Offic
er, Evenstad Media

  TO: Marta Evenstad , Frederick Evenstad

  FROM: Niels Evenstad

  SUBJECT: Late Lunch

  SENT 1/7/2076 AT 12:42 p.m. EST

  Brother, Sister,

  I’d like to have lunch with you today, if that works with your schedules. There’s a lot I’d like to talk about on the business side, but I’d also like to see you, if you’d rather it just be a visit between siblings. I’ll take either option, I just need to get out of the office for a while. Our dearest uncle is currently being very demanding.

  Let me know if you’re available at all and I’ll find a place with an opening. I hope you can. We don’t see each other enough, outside of special occasions. At least not enough for my liking.

  I’m sorry. I’m being over-sentimental, of course. At any rate, let me know when and if either of you have time. I’d like to aim for around two, if that’s possible.

  Niels Evenstad,

  Chief Operating Officer, Evenstad Media


  ENTRY 003

  DATE: 1/7/2076

  Shit. I just barely got out of the room before the door slammed shut. I don’t know what would have happened to me if I stayed in there, and I’m perfectly okay with not ever having to find out, either. I stayed safe and unhurt and all that good shit. I guess the odds were against me actually staying safe the entire time, but it’s put a good scare in me. It’s completely fucking illogical, but there it is. I don’t want to stay put. I stopped long enough to write this and catch my breath, but I’m getting out of the halls and everything. There’s bound to be somewhere a little bit safer. Not actually safe. Not in this place, but a little better than having to worry about an alarm going off every ten God damn seconds.